Thursday, November 17, 2016

What are you THANKFUL for?

What are you thankful for?

I'm not sure why it takes Thanksgiving to remind us all of what we're thankful for. When my father passed away, i realized that "nothing in life is forever." We hear that phrase often but we take the meaning for granted. 

How often do you give thanks? 
We're so quick to complain about our spouse, boyfriend, job, family and sometimes even life! What we fail to remember is that in an instant; it could all be gone. 

I can relate. When I was going to college, I had to drive an hour to work, pay $90.00 dollars a month in toll and work 10 hour shifts. On top of all that,I was a full time student and a hot mess. Working out is my stress reliever but in this case, I had no time for it. I also gained a ton of weight! I hated my job (but it paid the bills) and I hated my body! I felt overwhelmed and I found myself constantly complaining. On my "hour" drive to work, I witnessed several accidents. Sometimes when  I witness an accident, I will say out loud "God watch over them." It's just a habit I try to practice. That morning I caught myself saying it three times in a row. I realized how lucky I was to wake up, be healthy and have a job! From that point forward, I told myself that I would stop complaining, roll with the punches and instead give thanks for what I have. It may have not been a lot but it was enough for me.

Till this day I continue to give thanks on a daily basis. If you find yourself hating your job...learn a new skill or find another one. If your relationship with your other half isn't great... work on it or let it go! If you don't get along with your family... put your ego aside and make it better. Sometimes it's just better to be the bigger person and make things right! You don't have to like each other but at least y'all are cordial. Not to mention, you will sleep better at night!

I'm not perfect but I've made some mistakes in life that have taught me lessons and those lessons have made me a better person.

Here is how I start my THANKFUL morning...

My morning ritual:
1. I say to myself "Thank you God for another day of life, my family and everything I have!"(you don't have to be religious to do this)

2. I write in my journal. My journal is an app called " 5 minute journal" It's simple and easy to use. I love looking back at my old entries. Give it a try.

3. I drink my coffee and have breakfast with the person I love waking up to.

4. And at some point in the day, I compliment, encourage or motivate someone (whether it's in person or social media)

I'm thankful everyday for EVERYTHING in my life... good or bad! Remember to give thanks everyday. You don't have to wait for a holiday to come around! The less we complain the more we can be thankful for! With that said, I will end with wishing everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! May your day be happy and your belly be full.