For those of you who follow me on social media, you know that I'm big on positive vibes, getting rid of negative energy but most importantly, getting rid of toxic people. In order to achieve any goal in life, you must start by eliminating obstacles. Those obstacles can be friends, family or your surroundings. Surround yourself with like minded people who are encouraging, supportive and have similar goals. Those folks will help encourage you along the way.
I try my best to practice what I preach so I keep my circle small. I avoid drama, gossip and messy people. I just don't need it in my life and neither should you. So before you start to focus on your goal(s), make sure you clean house and get rid of all things negative!
These tips don't only apply towards your fitness goal, they can be used towards any goal you've set...
1. Get rid of NEGATIVE friends and family: We all have friends and family who are a bit overwhelming. No matter how much you encourage them, they have a negative come back. Those are the people you need to get rid of. They are what I like to call "energy suckers." They drain the energy out of you ... so chunk them the deuce!
2. Have NO FEAR of failure or success: It's okay to fail. How else will you learn from your mistakes? If achieving goals were easy, everyone would be successful. When you accomplish your goal, reward yourself. Success needs to be recognized!! Dedication towards something you want to achieve isn't easy...pat yourself on the back when you've accomplished a goal you're working towards!
3. DON'T criticize or judge yourself/others: We are quick to judge!! We're even quicker to criticize someone for bragging about their accomplishment. Instead of judging or criticizing, take notes or ask that person the steps they took to achieve their goal. We should be uplifting eachother, not hating on one another. Women are the worse! I still haven't figured out why it's so hard for some females to compliment one another. We're already discriminated for being women, so why no encourage one another instead. On the flip side, don't feel bad when you achieve a goal. Embrace it and if others can't compliment it then guess what??... get rid of them because they're probably peanut butter and jelly!!
4. STOP people pleasing: This I feel is self explanatory yet hard to avoid. If you're a softy like me, this is a difficult task but one that isn't impossible to over come. I've learned to say NO and quite frankly, it feels GREAT! Try it!! Your time is too precious, conserve your energy.
5. STOP procrastinating: Don't leave a goal for tomorrow when you can work on achieving it today! Write down your goals, set a date you want to accomplish it and make shit happen! If you don't start now, you never will. Baby steps help create momentum.
6. Stay DRAMA FREE: Some folks love to witness drama or be a part of it. Those are your messy folks... they're your gossipers and "energy suckers!!" They're cowards who don't pursue their own goals or dreams so they want to see you fail. They feed off of negative energy and want to trap you in their web. Don't get caught!
7. Be picky about who you let in your circle: I'm big on this!! The friends I have, literally have been my friends since junior high or high school. Now, I'm not saying I don't make new friends. But I keep my distance until they pass MY test. Everyone should have a "circle test." Think of all the things you feel are important in a friend; if they pass then let them in. If you have any sort of doubt, keep them at a distance. You're the proctor, distribute your test wisely!
8. Remove the words CAN'T, NEVER, and IT'S TOO HARD from your vocabulary: These words fall under the "I'm setting myself up for failure" category. The minute you tell yourself you "can't"; you won't. We have to eliminate these words from our vocabulary and start using, " I CAN, I WILL and I WON'T STOP!!" In order to be great, you have to be SUPER positive!! That's one thing successful people have in common.
9. ACCEPT change: While you're on your journey to success, you may lose people along the way. It's ok. These are the type of people you want to get rid of. Your real friends will encourage, motivate and support your goals. TRUE friends are your cheerleaders!! Accept all good things, you deserve it!!
10. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! IF YOU DON'T, WHO WILL?: Be your number one fan!! Believing has to start from within. You have to mentally think.. I'm a BAD ASS, I'm CONFIDENT, I GOT THIS!! Having doubts is natural. At times we can be our worst critic but you have to mentally stay focused and remember why you started. Don't let anyone steal your happiness or confidence!!
Lastly, remember it's up to you to take action. It has to start with YOU! You can't begin your journey if you aren't patient, persistent and positive! I'm not saying these tips are they key to success but they're definitely a guide that helped me. I hope they'll help you!
Love #4
ReplyDeleteLove #9
ReplyDeleteI needed to read this. Thanks for posting Marisol. ❤
ReplyDeleteAwesome post! I've had an idea for a blog for a long time. I just always find an excuse not to get it started. Reading this really motivated me to take steps towards getting it started.