Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Starting Your Fitness Journey


The first question everyone will ask is, “How do I get started?” You’ve already taken the first step… you’re reaching out for help! Next, you have to mentally prepare yourself for the change. As I'm sure you've heard, being healthy is a lifestyle not a fad. Detox teas are a fad, waist trainers are a fad... being healthy isn't! All the latest weight loss products are fads, don't fall into the Instagram trap. Remember, a lot of those Instagram models are either photo shopped or have some sort of plastic surgery. You're not going to look like them. We're all shaped differently and we definitely don't have the same genetics. Remember that when you catch yourself ordering any of those products. 

Those products are called temporary fixes. You lose a ton of weight and as soon as you stop taking "it," you gain it ALL back! There is no magic pill. You create the's you putting in the work! 

I can speak from experience. I've tried the diet pills, waist trainers and just about all the fads you can think of. None of these things work unless you change your eating habits. You can't have a burger then drink a detox tea or better yet, eat pizza with a Diet Coke. News flash!! That's not how it works. 

Now that we've established that. Let's focus on the steps you need to take to start your journey to being healthy. 

1.Stay focused
 Get your mind right! It's 99% mental! It has to start there. Those negative thoughts you once had... let them go! We all fall off track, it's ok. What's important is that you get back on and keep going. You have to start thinking like a champ. Don't let petty things set you back. If you do then you're allowing THEM TO WIN.  Again, this is YOUR journey. You’ve made the conscious decision to change your life so don't let anyone or anything keep you from achieving your goals. That means NOBODY!...NOT family, friends, boyfriend .... NOBODY!! 

There will always be someone better or more fit than you. Who cares!  Don't compare! You're working on YOU, to be the best version of YOU! So don't let any negative remarks or thoughts get to you. YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT IF THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT YOU!! 

2. Throw away ALL your junk food! 
I mean ALL of it! Don’t leave anything in your pantry that can or will tempt you. If you're responsible for buying groceries, then guess what? Everyone in your house now has to start eating what YOU buy! If they don't like what you cook then tell them to make themselves something to eat. Or better yet, tell them to go grab one of those healthy snacks you just purchased. 

3.Set realistic goals
If you’re trying to lose 50 pounds by the end of the month, you’re not being realistic. Losing weight doesn’t happen overnight and gaining muscle takes time. It happens with hard work and dedication. Write down your goals and hold yourself accountable. If it helps, post your goals anywhere that can keep you reminded. You can start by saying I want to lose 10 pounds by the end of the month and if you lose more, reward yourself. And I don't mean with food.. "You're a human, not a dog. "

4. Find a workout buddy BUT don’t rely on them
 A lot of people like to have a workout buddy. That's great until they can't make it to the gym. That's when the lack of motivation starts. If your friend can’t make it, it doesn’t mean you don’t work out. It means you workout regardless. Let your friend stay behind. Remember, you've got a goal
to accomplish! You can't depend on others to achieve them. This is YOUR journey, not theirs. So when that friend calls and says they can't make it, say "Cool. I'm still going. See ya tomorrow!"

5. Involve your family (boyfriend, husband, kids)
 I know for moms, working out can be a bit hard to fit in your schedule but it's possible. If your other half can't watch the kids, involve them. You can go for a walk, ride a bike, play catch, race them...anything that involves physical activity. You will get a workout as well. Remember you're their example. If your kids see you’re lazy and overweight, they will grow up to be the same way. If they see you're active, they will be active (monkey see, monkey do). If your other half isn’t into fitness, this is a chance for you to encourage him/her. If they see a change in you, they'll want to join you. It can become a team effort. 

6. Buy new workout gear (this includes any fitness apps or gadgets)
This sounds crazy but it works! Have you heard of “dress how you feel?” If you dress ready, you will feel ready! Your workout clothes doesn't have to be expensive either. You can find some great stuff at the thrift store. Name brand too! 
Download some sort of fitness app that tracks your steps, activity and heart rate. There are so many free apps out there(MapMyRun ). If you have an iPhone, there is a free app already on your phone. Set it up and start tracking your activity. You will start holding yourself accountable.

7. Find a form of cardio that you enjoy
I'm not a fan of indoor cardio(or any As a matter of fact, I hate it. Doing the stairmaster, treadmill or any of those things bore me. I attend boxing classes, fight conditioning classes, jog or spin. That's what I find works for me. Find something that works for you. It’s the only way you’ll be successful. Staying active keeps that heart nice and healthy. Not to mention, it keeps those pounds off. 

8. Buy a journal
Keep a log of all your workouts, food and how you feel after each workout. It’s a great way to reflect on your progress. 

For example, a fitness entry for me goes something like this...

Breakfast: wheat tortilla, 3 egg whites, spinach and watermelon.
Snack: apple
Lunch: tri-color pasta, 3 oz chicken, spinach and 1 tbsp Italian dressing
Snack: banana and kind bar
.... etc

Workout: shoulders & triceps
Lateral raises (isolate) : 8lb x20(alternating)

Mood: Followed meal plan and workout was tough. 30 min cardio. Need to work on adding HIIT

That's how I like to write my entries. In the mood section, I make sure to list if I was focused during my workout, if it was hard or easy and what I need to improve. I like to be able to look back and reflect on my progress. I find this to be very helpful. It helped me a lot during my body building competition.

9.Have patience 
 If working out was easy, everyone would do it. The pounds may not fall off as fast as you'd like but you can't let that discourage you. Again, this goes back to having that focused mentality. Don't let a slow and steady progress discourage you.  You will always be a work in progress. Be proud of EVERY inch and pound you lose. Progress is progress!! 

10. Don’t make excuses
I've heard them all! These are the famous ones, " I don't have time (none of us do). I don't have anyone to watch my kids ( I just gave you a list of things to do to involve them). I'm intimidated by weights and the gym(we all have to start somewhere).
Excuses don’t burn calories. Tell yourself... I’M READY, I CAN and I WILL! Once you have your mind right, your body will connect and magic will happen! 
I know gym memberships can be expensive but there are so many things you can do at home. Go for a walk, jog, do push-ups, dips w/your kitchen chairs, bicep curls with cans... there are so many options! Don't let basic things set you back. You have access to the internet, YouTube and outdoor activities. Stop making excuses and get started. 

Start being healthy so that your family can enjoy you for years to come. Remember, medicine and hospital bills are a lot more expensive. Stop saying I will start next week, next month or set it as a New Years resolution for 2017... start NOW! Make that mental change and watch your health transform. But remember, make the change for YOU not anyone else. 

Who's ready?? 


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Getting through the holidays ...

If you come from a Hispanic family, you know it's all about eating big or go home! We know there is no such thing as one plate. For sure you can't have "un tamal" because family will think there is something wrong with you and you will definitely have grandma pushing more food your way. 

It's part of our culture but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. There is nothing more special than sitting around the table, laughing, eating and enjoying family. However, this holiday season take control. Don't over indulge, think about the goals you've set and remind yourself that you want to start being healthy!! Think about how far you've come and what you want to accomplish. If you're thinking about starting, let this be your challenge. 

I know what you're thinking... "But Marisol, it's the holidays, it's once a year, it's family!".... Yes, but what's not good is all the pounds you'll gain! Is it really worth it? Get ahead of the game and let this Thanksgiving be your challenge. Here are some tips that may help....

1. Eat a bowl of oatmeal before heading to your Thanksgiving lunch/dinner. This will make you feel full and you'll avoid over eating...aka, don't go up for seconds. You can also do a protein shake, I just don't prefer it. 

1/4 cup oatmeal
1 tbsp peanut Butter
1/2 banana 
Sprinkle cinnamon 
*add water 

2. Be conscious of your portions. You know how much is too much (this includes pastries and drinking)! Keep this in mind especially if you're going to more than one house.

3. Don't take home leftovers. Thanksgiving is a DAY not a week!! 

4. Don't wear stretchy pants, big sweaters, sweat pants or any comfy clothes!! If you do, you're setting yourself up for failure. 

5. If you can, try to get a workout in before heading to your festivities. It should,key word... SHOULD help you be conscious of what you put into your body. 

Lastly, make Thanksgiving lunch/dinner a cheat meal, not a CHEAT DAY! This doesn't mean you eat like crap all day just because it's a holiday! You have to find the balance in life. You can be healthy and enjoy a "cheat meal!"  It's all about moderation, being conscious and continuing to exercise. 

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! May your day be filled with tons of happiness, love and laughter! 


Thursday, November 17, 2016

What are you THANKFUL for?

What are you thankful for?

I'm not sure why it takes Thanksgiving to remind us all of what we're thankful for. When my father passed away, i realized that "nothing in life is forever." We hear that phrase often but we take the meaning for granted. 

How often do you give thanks? 
We're so quick to complain about our spouse, boyfriend, job, family and sometimes even life! What we fail to remember is that in an instant; it could all be gone. 

I can relate. When I was going to college, I had to drive an hour to work, pay $90.00 dollars a month in toll and work 10 hour shifts. On top of all that,I was a full time student and a hot mess. Working out is my stress reliever but in this case, I had no time for it. I also gained a ton of weight! I hated my job (but it paid the bills) and I hated my body! I felt overwhelmed and I found myself constantly complaining. On my "hour" drive to work, I witnessed several accidents. Sometimes when  I witness an accident, I will say out loud "God watch over them." It's just a habit I try to practice. That morning I caught myself saying it three times in a row. I realized how lucky I was to wake up, be healthy and have a job! From that point forward, I told myself that I would stop complaining, roll with the punches and instead give thanks for what I have. It may have not been a lot but it was enough for me.

Till this day I continue to give thanks on a daily basis. If you find yourself hating your job...learn a new skill or find another one. If your relationship with your other half isn't great... work on it or let it go! If you don't get along with your family... put your ego aside and make it better. Sometimes it's just better to be the bigger person and make things right! You don't have to like each other but at least y'all are cordial. Not to mention, you will sleep better at night!

I'm not perfect but I've made some mistakes in life that have taught me lessons and those lessons have made me a better person.

Here is how I start my THANKFUL morning...

My morning ritual:
1. I say to myself "Thank you God for another day of life, my family and everything I have!"(you don't have to be religious to do this)

2. I write in my journal. My journal is an app called " 5 minute journal" It's simple and easy to use. I love looking back at my old entries. Give it a try.

3. I drink my coffee and have breakfast with the person I love waking up to.

4. And at some point in the day, I compliment, encourage or motivate someone (whether it's in person or social media)

I'm thankful everyday for EVERYTHING in my life... good or bad! Remember to give thanks everyday. You don't have to wait for a holiday to come around! The less we complain the more we can be thankful for! With that said, I will end with wishing everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! May your day be happy and your belly be full.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Ain't nobody got time for that! I'm focused

For those of you who follow me on social media, you know that I'm big on positive vibes, getting rid of negative energy but most importantly, getting rid of toxic people. In order to achieve any goal in life, you must start by eliminating obstacles. Those obstacles can be friends, family or your surroundings. Surround yourself with like minded people who are encouraging, supportive and have similar goals. Those folks will help encourage you along the way.

I try my best to practice what I preach so I keep my circle small. I avoid drama, gossip and messy people. I just don't need it in my life and neither should you. So before you start to focus on your goal(s), make sure you clean house and get rid of all things negative!

These tips don't only apply towards your fitness goal, they can be used towards any goal you've set...


 1. Get rid of NEGATIVE friends and family: We all have friends and family who are a bit overwhelming. No matter how much you encourage them, they have a negative come back. Those are the people you need to get rid of. They are what I like to call "energy suckers." They drain the energy out of you ... so chunk them the deuce!

2. Have NO FEAR of failure or success: It's okay to fail. How else will you learn from your mistakes? If achieving goals were easy, everyone would be successful. When you accomplish your goal, reward yourself. Success needs to be recognized!! Dedication towards something you want to achieve isn't easy...pat yourself on the back when you've accomplished a goal you're working towards!

3. DON'T criticize or judge yourself/others: We are quick to judge!!  We're even quicker to criticize someone for bragging about their accomplishment. Instead of judging or criticizing, take notes or ask that person the steps they took to achieve their goal. We should be uplifting eachother, not hating on one another. Women are the worse! I still haven't figured out why it's so hard for some females to compliment one another. We're already discriminated for being women, so why no encourage one another instead. On the flip side, don't feel bad when you achieve a goal. Embrace it and if others can't compliment it then guess what??... get rid of them because they're probably peanut butter and jelly!!

4. STOP people pleasing: This I feel is self explanatory yet hard to avoid. If you're a softy like me, this is a difficult task but one that isn't impossible to over come. I've learned to say NO and quite frankly, it feels GREAT! Try it!! Your time is too precious, conserve your energy.

5. STOP procrastinating: Don't leave a goal for tomorrow when you can work on achieving it today! Write down your goals, set a date you want to accomplish it and make shit happen! If you don't start now, you never will. Baby steps help create momentum.

6. Stay DRAMA FREE: Some folks love to witness drama or be a part of it. Those are your messy folks... they're your gossipers and "energy suckers!!" They're cowards who don't pursue their own goals or dreams so they want to see you fail. They feed off of negative energy and want to trap you in their web. Don't get caught!

7. Be picky about who you let in your circle: I'm big on this!! The friends I have, literally have been my friends since junior high or high school. Now, I'm not saying I don't make new friends. But I keep my distance until they pass MY test. Everyone should have a "circle test." Think of all the things you feel are important in a friend; if they pass then let them in. If you have any sort of doubt, keep them at a distance. You're the proctor, distribute your test wisely!

8. Remove the words CAN'T, NEVER, and IT'S TOO HARD from your vocabulary: These words fall under the "I'm setting myself up for failure" category. The minute you tell yourself you "can't"; you won't. We have to eliminate these words from our vocabulary and start using, " I CAN, I WILL and I WON'T STOP!!" In order to be great, you have to be SUPER positive!! That's one thing successful people have in common.

9. ACCEPT change: While you're on your journey to success, you may lose people along the way. It's ok. These are the type of people you want to get rid of. Your real friends will encourage, motivate and support your goals. TRUE friends are your cheerleaders!! Accept all good things, you deserve it!!

10. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! IF YOU DON'T, WHO WILL?: Be your number one fan!! Believing has to start from within. You have to mentally think.. I'm a BAD ASS, I'm CONFIDENT,  I GOT THIS!! Having doubts is natural. At times we can be our worst critic but you have to mentally stay focused and remember why you started. Don't let anyone steal your happiness or confidence!!

Lastly, remember it's up to you to take action. It has to start with YOU! You can't begin your journey if you aren't patient, persistent and positive! I'm not saying these tips are they key to success but they're definitely a guide that helped me. I hope they'll help you!


Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Welcome to the first blog of 2016!! A little late in the year but it was time to get it going again.
This blog was created in 2011 for my Zumba students. It was a place for me to share tips, experiences and all things fitness. As my life became a lot more busy, I stopped blogging and turned to creating a Facebook group. It was a great way to get keep all the women motivated, involved and encouraged but it wasn't for everyone. They didn't want to share their personal experiences with everyone in the group so instead I took their personal messages and wrote general responses. Lately, the amount of messages I receive in a day has grown and replying to everyone has become a bit hard.

MY GOAL: I hope to make this platform a way for me to answer all your questions, give fitness tips, encourage and create a community of powerful women.

For those who are new to my blog, allow me to introduce myself.....
My name is Marisol. I'm Mexican-American born and raised in Houston, Tx. I'm a Sign language Interpreter by day and a fitness junkie by night! I wasn't always a body builder but fitness has been a big part of my life for a long time.. I danced for 16 years(and I don't mean stripping) and I did my fair share of boxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai. I guess you can call me She-Ra 😝

I wasn't always fit. There came a time in my life when I gained an insane amount of weight. I was going to school full time and working full time (for those currently in this situation, I have tips). I no longer had time for the gym or any of my cardio classes. Cooking was an extra chore so picking up fast food was quick and easy. Imagine... 5"1 and over weight!? Yea, it wasn't a cute sight!

After graduating college, I started to focus on me. My self esteem wasn't at its highest so I started to focus on improving myself. I felt I needed to be mentally and emotionally prepared. I kept a daily journal. I set goals, wrote encouraging quotes and I held myself accountable (I also tracked my food intake, water and workouts). As we all know, as we get older losing weight gets harder but it's not impossible. I worked hard and I was strict with my eating. I stopped eating out, no more drinking and sweets was a once-in-a-while thing. I slowly started to lose the weight but it wasn't coming off quick enough. At times I found myself getting discouraged but I would look through my journal and I'd remind myself of how far I'd come. I had some knowledge of nutrition and some fitness experience but not enough. What I learned along the way is what I worked with.

In 2011, my aunt opened a gym. With my dance and fitness background, she asked me to become a Zumba Instructor. I was hesitant at first. The only thing about Zumba I knew was that the classes at the gym were packed and the ladies looked lost. However, my aunt convinced me and in 2011, I became a Zumba Fitness Instructor. As a fitness instructor you  have to motivate, encourage and push your students but most importantly you have to lead by example. This was the push I needed to build a better me! I'm a visual person so I felt in order to give fitness advise, I needed to look the part! I started to educate myself on nutrition, took additional online courses and I continuously kept learning. I wanted to be the best for my students and prove to them that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible. And that I did... I met amazing women from all walks of life who I helped become healthy. It was an amazing feeling to watch the women transform. They went from wearing their husband's big t-shirt to class to wearing cute fitted fitness gear. Now how bad ass is that!?

Many of you have asked if I was always fit...I hope this blog answered your question. No I'm not naturally thin, no its not easy but I made the conscious decision to work at staying healthy! I know many of you can relate so I hope my blog can serve as a place where you find encouragement, motivation and positive vibes...TONS of positive vibes!!