Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 2 &3

It's challenging but I'm hanging in there...

Day 2: Again I struggled with thinking of food all day. I know it's because I think about it waaaay to much. I need to just stop being a "fat girl" and focus on the challenge. During our run I felt light and energetic and I'm going to have to admit it has to be the way I'm eating with this diet. I haven't cheated but I'd be lying if I said I haven't been tempted to give up. However, because you all are so strong I'm going to continue to stay strong as well. I totally looked forward to dinner that evening. I made sure to butter my potato as much as possible and a backed potato has never tasted so good to me(although I totally would have loved some bacon bits, chopped beef, cheese and bbq sauce).... I know, I know, I need to stop. But do you see how bad I constantly think of fatty ???????

Day 3: Fruits, veggies and soup all day... blah! I don't think I've ever had so much fruit and vegetables in one sitting. I know this diet is all mental but I'm actually on a mission to make this a way of life. I notice I'm so much lighter on my feet and I'm not as tired towards the end of the day. I know I continue to say this but "it could just be mental." The diet seems to be more easy now or perhaps I'm just getting use to it. However, day three is almost over and finally some sweets in my diet. Bananas here I come....

A few things I'm curious if any of you have experienced??: I'm starting to run out of the soup and fruit? I thought I would have enough. Could I be over eating the soup? Any thoughts??

Side note:The fact that we are doing exercise with the "challenge" we should see a lot more weight drop. I'm not ready to weigh myself. I actually prefer to wait at least until Saturday. I'm hiding from all my friends this weekend and I'm staying away from all temptations. I MUST complete this challenge without cheating. Keep up the good work and eat up all the soup you can!

To all my ladies: I wanted to thank all the ladies that came out yesterday to our first day of training. I know this is a big step for many of you but I am proud of each and everyone of you. For some, running is the last thing you want to do but you should be proud of yourself for completing two miles.(doesn't matter if you walked or jogged) ...YOU COMPLETED IT! Although I'm proud of each and every one of you I want to acknowledge Lori. She was the one person who did not want to run or join the group. She continued to say " I can't run" but she was able to jog a mile. I'm so proud of you. (you're on your way to earning your new shoes)

Thank you ladies for encouraging me to maintain leadership during our training. Although you don't think so, you help me as much as I help you. Good night and I will see you all at Zumba tomorrow night(and shadow boxing as well)!

Marisol =8)

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