Sunday, May 8, 2011

The beginning....

I thought it would be a great idea to find a way where we can all share our journey as we begin this new diet in addition to our training. I want to start by saying that you ladies are AWESOME for even considering to run a half marathon. A lot of you have struggled with the idea of "running" but I guarantee it will be easier as we encourage one another. Many of you have said, "Running is hard", "My knees hurt" or simply "I can't" but I'm here to make sure each one of you gets the proper training and we will all meet our goal. Remember, we have 7 months to train and I know we can do it. You guys do a 30 minute class of Zumba and for those who stay for shadow boxing you add a lot more to  your workout. Whether you're doing this to lose weight or simply to get healthy; I know you all can do it!

Tonight I have prepared my soup and I've packed all my fruits and vegetables for the week. I know it's going to be hard (or at least for me because I enjoy eating). I can't wait to hear about everyone's first day on the diet. Be strong, follow all instructions and most importantly... DON'T CHEAT!!

Let the burning calories begin!!!



  1. Wow Marisol...the pictures of your refrigerator have inspired me to put a more conscious effort into planning my meals. Hope I survive tomorrow and thanks for all of your SUPPORT (even when I'm complaining..which is the entire time)!!! ~Marlena

  2. Marlena- I know you can do it. I struggle with the same temptations as each and every one of you.Why do you think I look the way i do. Otherwise I'd be as little as Keep it up and I'll see you tomorrow.
