Saturday, May 28, 2011


Why is eating healthy so difficult? Why is it that all the good food is either greasy or fattening? I ask myself these questions everytime I want to cheat(with food that is). But eating healthy doesn't have to be that bad. Pick your favorite veggies or fruit and make quick snacks for the week. When you're hungry during the day(this will help avoid reaching for that piece of chocolate or cookies) reach for that healthy snack. I know it's easier said than done but just try it for  a week and see how much of a difference it will make in your weight loss or dropping of inches. So I've decided to list a few things that can help drop some inches or pounds yet taste good as well.

Here is one item that helps the abdominal area. 


Lentils are a bona fide belly flattener. Eating them helps prevent insulin spikes that cause your body to create excess fat, especially in the abdominal area.
Eat more There are many varieties of lentils, but red and yellow cook fastest (in about 15 to 20 minutes). Add cooked lentils to pasta sauce for a heartier dish, Zuckerbrot suggests. "Their mild flavor blends right in, and because they're high in protein, you can skip meat altogether."

* Recipe for lentil soup:Add or remove items of your choice.


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 cup finely chopped onion
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped carrot
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped celery
  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 1 pound lentils, picked and rinsed
  • 1 cup peeled and chopped tomatoes
  • 2 quarts chicken or vegetable broth
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground coriander
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground toasted cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground grains of paradise


Place the olive oil into a large 6-quart Dutch oven and set over medium heat. Once hot, add the onion, carrot, celery and salt and sweat until the onions are translucent, approximately 6 to 7 minutes. Add the lentils, tomatoes, broth, coriander, cumin and grains of paradise and stir to combine. Increase the heat to high and bring just to a boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover and cook at a low simmer until the lentils are tender, approximately 35 to 40 minutes. Using a stick blender, puree to your preferred consistency. Serve immediately. 

This is just one thing for you all to try. I know we've been working on eating the "Sacred heart soup"  but I wanted to throw other ideas out there. Remember the diet that may have worked for your friend, may not work for you(and vise versa). Everyone's body is different. I hate when I hear that we need to do this and that yet we all have different body types. You have to do what works for YOU! Don't you all agree?? But don't take my word for it. Log onto: for more tips on fat-melting super foods. There is all sorts of great information on this site for all of us to read and learn. So log on and check it out for yourselves.

Have a great and happy Memorial Day weekend. I will see you all on Thursday!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Where are you?

Ok ladies, so I decided to create this blog so I can get each one of you to participate and share some of the things we may struggle with as we take on this challenge to a healthier way of life. In case we haven't realized it, we are all working on the same goal. Some are trying to lose weight, others are trying to create a healthier way of life...whatever you reason is; lets share our thoughts.

Many of you started the diet or as I like to call it "the 7 day challenge". Some of you tried it and while you didn't lose any "weight" you lost inches; losing either one is still great. I encourage you to continue the "challenge" or for those of you who have told me "I can't do it, I don't eat soup" let's work on a meal plan for you. At curves there are many tools you can use to help set up a meal plan, not to mention you have Natalie who is skilled in that area and I"m sure she would be happy to help you with any questions you may have. I'm here for you as well if you have any questions please feel free to ask or comment. Get involved, read the postings and encourage your friends to join us.

At Curves we are on a mission to add 100 new members, if you know anyone who could benefit from joining Curves please invite them. Help spread the word and tell them about the great experience you have at our gym. Although I try my best to listen to all your comments, if you feel there is something you don't like please feel free to let us know. The only way we can become a better gym(and instructors) is by your constructive criticism and requests. Let us know what you would like to see more or less of. We're here for YOU!! At Curves we are on a mission to change each woman one curve at a time. Help us be the gym all women want to be at.

We would like to thank you all for being faithful members and making our gym what it is...without you there is no Curves. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for making my class a success and I hope I can continue to provide the motivation and encouragement you are looking for. I leave you today with one thought... "Can't is NOT AN OPTION!" (or at least not in my class... I have seen each one of you go from barely surviving one song to surviving an hour class) You ladies are the BEST!!

Marisol :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I made it!

Bananas, fruit, veggies, soup... I sort of ended up liking the diet in a weird way. The first day was a challenge but after that it seemed to have gotten easier. Although I would love a piece of pastry (of some sort), I'm motivated at the fact that I lost 9lb as of Monday. It would have been nice to have lost 17lb but 9 will do for now. I'm continuing the diet until Wednesday in hopes to lose a few more pounds.

I asked some of you how it went and some didn't lose any weight. For those that didn't, did you measure yourself? Did you check to see if you lost any inches? If you followed the diet EXACTLY you should have lost something. (whether it be inches or weight) So don't be discouraged and measure yourself if you didn't lose weight. Others have recently started the diet and I want to encourage you to stay focus and don't think about "how hungry you are," I found myself doing that and to be honest I normally wouldn't do that....don't think about it, just do it! (as Nike says)

Let's stay focused and continue working out(as you all have been) and focus on portion control and actually being conscious of what we eat.I know Natalie has posted a few links on her site as to how to read food labels. Check it out and be sure to ask her for guidance if you're unsure of some things. I'm sure she will have no problem assisting you all. I will start to post some recipes you all can try that are quick and easy. This could help with weight loss as well. Stay tuned.....

Stay focused, encouraged and motivated. Working out should be a part of life not a chore. (and I know for some if feels that way) Encourage friends to join you for a neighborhood walk or invite them to Curves and have them tryout the circuit or Zumba class.

With that said... KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 2 &3

It's challenging but I'm hanging in there...

Day 2: Again I struggled with thinking of food all day. I know it's because I think about it waaaay to much. I need to just stop being a "fat girl" and focus on the challenge. During our run I felt light and energetic and I'm going to have to admit it has to be the way I'm eating with this diet. I haven't cheated but I'd be lying if I said I haven't been tempted to give up. However, because you all are so strong I'm going to continue to stay strong as well. I totally looked forward to dinner that evening. I made sure to butter my potato as much as possible and a backed potato has never tasted so good to me(although I totally would have loved some bacon bits, chopped beef, cheese and bbq sauce).... I know, I know, I need to stop. But do you see how bad I constantly think of fatty ???????

Day 3: Fruits, veggies and soup all day... blah! I don't think I've ever had so much fruit and vegetables in one sitting. I know this diet is all mental but I'm actually on a mission to make this a way of life. I notice I'm so much lighter on my feet and I'm not as tired towards the end of the day. I know I continue to say this but "it could just be mental." The diet seems to be more easy now or perhaps I'm just getting use to it. However, day three is almost over and finally some sweets in my diet. Bananas here I come....

A few things I'm curious if any of you have experienced??: I'm starting to run out of the soup and fruit? I thought I would have enough. Could I be over eating the soup? Any thoughts??

Side note:The fact that we are doing exercise with the "challenge" we should see a lot more weight drop. I'm not ready to weigh myself. I actually prefer to wait at least until Saturday. I'm hiding from all my friends this weekend and I'm staying away from all temptations. I MUST complete this challenge without cheating. Keep up the good work and eat up all the soup you can!

To all my ladies: I wanted to thank all the ladies that came out yesterday to our first day of training. I know this is a big step for many of you but I am proud of each and everyone of you. For some, running is the last thing you want to do but you should be proud of yourself for completing two miles.(doesn't matter if you walked or jogged) ...YOU COMPLETED IT! Although I'm proud of each and every one of you I want to acknowledge Lori. She was the one person who did not want to run or join the group. She continued to say " I can't run" but she was able to jog a mile. I'm so proud of you. (you're on your way to earning your new shoes)

Thank you ladies for encouraging me to maintain leadership during our training. Although you don't think so, you help me as much as I help you. Good night and I will see you all at Zumba tomorrow night(and shadow boxing as well)!

Marisol =8)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sacred Heart Challenge - Day 1

It's almost midnight and I just prepared my veggies for tomorrow. I didn't think I was going to make it but I did. Zumba today felt a little bit easier. I don't know if it's mental but I felt I had more energy today. (or at least I wanted to believe I was surprised at how great the soup tasted. For some reason I thought it was going to taste awful but it wasn't too shabby. Day 2 here I come....

Here are some challenges I faced today, tell me if you felt the same...
- I found myself thinking of how hungry I was but on normal days I lose track of time and don't realize I haven't had lunch.
- I found myself thinking of food, craving all sorts of juicy greasy things and sweets.
- For some reason everyone around me was eating something fried or fast food.
- I kept trying to come up with ways to modify the diet so I wouldn't feel so hungry but I kept telling myself "If you don't cheat then by the third day you should have lost at least 5-7lb." So I'm on a mission not to cheat and lose these dang on 10-17lb this diet claims to make happen.

I find it funny how food consumes so much of your day ( or at least for me it does). All day, I felt like such a fat girl because all I thought about was food. This is all a mental game and if we keep this up we will be BIKINI material in no time. So lets show some support and encourage one another. I must admit I love to see how determined each one of ya'll are. Post some of  your pics and ideas of things you've done to modify or change the diet. And when I say modify, I don't mean what you did to

What were some of your challenges today?

Good luck, stay focused and eat lots of soup! Day 1 down, Six more to go!


Sunday, May 8, 2011

The beginning....

I thought it would be a great idea to find a way where we can all share our journey as we begin this new diet in addition to our training. I want to start by saying that you ladies are AWESOME for even considering to run a half marathon. A lot of you have struggled with the idea of "running" but I guarantee it will be easier as we encourage one another. Many of you have said, "Running is hard", "My knees hurt" or simply "I can't" but I'm here to make sure each one of you gets the proper training and we will all meet our goal. Remember, we have 7 months to train and I know we can do it. You guys do a 30 minute class of Zumba and for those who stay for shadow boxing you add a lot more to  your workout. Whether you're doing this to lose weight or simply to get healthy; I know you all can do it!

Tonight I have prepared my soup and I've packed all my fruits and vegetables for the week. I know it's going to be hard (or at least for me because I enjoy eating). I can't wait to hear about everyone's first day on the diet. Be strong, follow all instructions and most importantly... DON'T CHEAT!!

Let the burning calories begin!!!
