Thursday, August 11, 2011

Movie Stars & Technology....

Thank God for younger cousins! I don't know what I would do without my little cousin, Ashly. I say little because I'm the oldest of 16 grandchildren and I see them all as "little" cousins(Even though she's like 22). I want to thank her for all her help. She taught me how to start my "zumba fan page" So for the sake of all the work she put in... be sure to get on and like my page.

The banner you see on my blog was also designed by her. I'm sure you guys have seen her come in and out of the gym to take pictures of us. She is wonderful, I don't know what I would do without all her help.Not to mention, she's also the person editing our "zumba kid party" videos so that I can upload them on my youtube page. So parents, please be patient as she works on making these videos the best.

Since I've learned so much from her, I've learned to do a few things on my own(with her guidance). I finally made a movie clip of the videos we recorded a while back. They are finally ready!!

Please click on the links below to view the members Zumba-ing with Marysol. Thank you guys for being such great sports and appearing on my videos. You guys are AWESOME!!!

Click on the links below:

So with that said.... Enjoy these videos starring Curves Members!
(make sure you ask for their autograph) ... :)

Marisol :)

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