Friday, August 15, 2014

Day 2

Why is my alarm going off already!?? I feel like I just closed my eyes and it's already time for me to get ready for my first class of the day! 

First up, belly dance. I don't include this much in our routines but it's time I do. Too bad it was a lot of basic moves BUT great combos. This will be coming soon with a great song!
I took a quick marketing class... How to attract more students to your class. Well it seems I already do all of what they advise except I lack the blogging. Crazy thing is that I decided to blog my first day here and then I attend the workshop and they suggest to blog at least once a week.. I know! I know!! I suck at it but I promise to get back at it. One more thing to add on my "to do list"! 

Break time!!... FINALLY!! I'm super excited there is no line at the outlet but I notice not much to chose from this year. Oh wait! It could be because someone stole the Zumba trailer full of merchandise!! They found the trailer truck but no merchandise! Awful! Just awful!! So let's just say it sort of was a good thing because I spend too much money when I'm in there!

Now it's time for some MERENGUE & SALSA! Willy Diaz is one of my favorite presenters and he always delivers! Got some amazing new moves. I even learned a little boogaloo! That may or may not get added to my playlist but overall it was great! Lucky for y'all, the moves aren't complicated but FUN for sure! 
My day is finally coming to an end but not before attending the Zumba fitness concert with special guest, Wisin(formally known as Wisin and Yandel). The concert is awesome, a GAZILION people just dancing! Imagine that! People are cheering, dancing and having a good time!  You would think that after all that training people would want to rest but it's the total opposite. A great way to end my night. Here is a little slide show for y'all to enjoy. Miss you guys! 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day 1- Zumba Convention 2014

Every year around this time, over five thousand Zumba Instructors from all over the world get together and enjoy what I like to call... 4 days of PURO PARTY!! Each ZIN signs up for classes of their choice, gets amazing new choreo, by amazing presenters and then we bring it to y'all! My third year here and it never gets old!

It's 9pm(Orlando time) and I just finished my last class. My feet hurt, I'm hungry and I'm ready for a shower! Six hours of non-stop dance. As I sit here waiting for my ride, I'm mentally trying to choreograph a routine from all the steps I learned today!

 My first class was a dancehall mash-up and y'all know how much I love dancehall( incase y'all don't know what dancehall is, it's our last fast song in my routine. U know the REALLY high impact one ... Up! Up! Goooo😳). Get ready!! Got something good coming when I get back.
 Second class... Bachata. Oh bachata! how I love you(I know I say that about all!! But really, I love bachata and guess what?? Got some new moves for y'all!! I'm super exited!!

Last session of the night was a Masterclass with  Alena Groopman, a jammer from California, who is totally my style! Day 1 down 3 more to go!