Thursday, August 22, 2013

Zumba Convention 2013

The one training I look forward to every year is the Zumba Convention. The awesome trainings, amazing concerts, parties and people from all over the world make for a life time experience. I'm always amazed at how Zumba brings total strangers together. You don't even have to speak the same language, the connection is there. For example, I have a Zumba Instructor friend who I only know via Facebook, while I was ordering coffee she turns to ask me a question when at the same time we both yell.. Me: "Omg! Zumba Annette" Her: "Omg! Zumba Marisol"..... We were both happy to finally meet in person 
(Annette and I meeting for the first time)
And that's how new friendships are developed... All because of Zumba. Then of course you also bump into instructors you may have met at a training and then you get to talking and you end up hanging out with them for the entire 4 days. Yep! That's exactly what happened in my case. A fellow instructor recognized me from our Basic 2 training and the rest is history... Good times, great convos and amazing classes together. Glad she remembered me :) 
(Mykle,pronounced Michael-yes, like the male and I before the Sean Paul concert.)
Our "bump-in" happened while waiting in the crazy Zumba outlet line. It's not your normal line. People start to form a line at 5am and the store opens at noon. Go figure! Are the sales that great you ask? For us Instructors it is! The prices are worth it. Now I'm not sure if others think waiting in line 2 hours is worth it but evidently I did since I stood in it .... See pics below
(Ppl waiting yet the doors haven't opened)
(The line circled the entire lobby area of the Hilton hotel)
(As if standing in the line outside wasn't enough, this was the line inside to get into the actual store)
(Making memories while standing in line)

According to my friend Mykle, we burned 971 calories by standing in line and shopping. The pic below shows the madness ....
Yep, that's the outlet. People trying on clothes everywhere. Some folks are going through piles on the floor in hopes of finding their size. It wasn't easy but we made it! Then came checking out. If you thought getting in was crazy, you should see what it was like checking out....
This was another 2 hour wait. All for some discounted Zumba

I hate to admit it but I missed my first class standing in this line. But I made it to many other great classes. The one most special to me was the masterclass with Marcie Gil. She's one of my favorite ZES(Zumba Education Specialist). Why was it so special? Well.... I was able to get on stage and JAM OUT with her! 
That was the highlight of my day until Beto (Zumba creator) came into my Zumba Core masterclass and I was able to take a pic with him... We took a selfie
I've managed to get a pic with him each time I've attended a Zumba conference or a convention. Hoping to keep my little tradition going.... 

There were tons of evening activities. It's not all exercising. Zumba Convention is worth every dime, EXPENSIVE, but worth it! This year our theme party was Soirée.... Elves, Fairies and anything fantasy related. Our celebrity guest was Sean Paul(my husband but he doesn't know we're I was trying my best to get a pic with him but it didn't happen. This is as good as it got (see below)
Don't laugh, it was all I could get! The concert was amazing and of course his performance was OUT OF THIS WORLD! I'm so glad Zumba brought him out this year. Our theme party was great as well. People go all out and get super creative. I can't say I go all out, I leave space in my suitcase for Zumba
Two fairies and a Unicorn :) posing in the photo booth.....

Four days of pure fun and great memories! I can't wait until January for the conference! Not as long and not as intense but still FUN! Here are some more pics of me with Zumba Celebrities. I was acting like a
Beto's dancer, presenter and Zumba wear model
My fav Zumba gal, Marcie Gil! (Check out her abs...RIPPED)
Gina Grant... Beto's #1 girl for Zumba
Dahrio Wonder-Zumba singer and song writer
J Perry- Zumba singer and song writer

Stay tuned for next week's post for a slide show of pics!

Zumba love,