Saturday, June 29, 2013

Did someone say Gina Grant?

Three hours in the car with some of the best women I know and having every conversation you can think of. At one point we suggested we start thinking of topics to talk about on the way back because it seemed we covered everything in sight! Where to you ask?....a road trip to Austin, Tx to see Zumba celebrity Gina Grant! To most this seems silly but to a Zumba enthusiast like myself, the drive was all worth it. Three instructors bringing their students to a Masterclass they will never forget. Two hours of Gina Grant... who knows when that will happen again?! It was a class to remember and that we did! We laughed, we screamed and we danced our A$$es off!! No one went home unsatisfied. And here are the pics to prove it.... 
Two hours before the masterclass and the line already circled around the wall... The girls were super early!
VIP style for the Masterclass (still not sure what the VIP was
 My Curves & Impact ladies posing before the big event...
A little surprise from Gina... Two Zumba celebrities in one class!
Gina Grant 2013!! 

If you didn't make it out, you have to the next time! Stay tuned for more masterclasses!


Friday, June 7, 2013


At 3:30am I submitted 6 videos, 3 essay questions, 3 recommendation letters, resume, application, ACE Certification, CPR Certification and proof of convention registration to Zumba Fitness. It was a stressful couple of weeks as I debated if I should go through with the audition or not. When I thought about giving up, I thought of my Zumba Students who gave up their Zumba class time to allow me to record. I thought of the people involved as I prepared for this audition and there was no way I could give up. 

I want to thank all those who supported me. My Curves ladies, a big shout out to you for participating in my live classes. I'm sure I got on your nerves each time I asked if we could record a live class. To Yaneth, thank you for being my camera man and for having your brother work on my videos; not to mention the recommendation letter. To Dalila, thanks for introducing me to Zumba Fitness and for always supporting my ideas. The words in your recommendation letter made me smile :) You rock! Roci, thanks for staying until 1:30 in the morning to record my last two videos. I truly appreciate it( I know you were tired!) And to my friend Jennifer who took the time to write a recommendation letter for me even though she has mom duties !! To that special Jammer(you know who u are) who was kind enough to give me advice and guidance... Thank u! Thank u! THANK U!! Last but not least, I want to thank my newest Zumba students from Spring (Jennifer & Lara) who helped by recording my salsa routine... U guys rock! 

So what's next? Now I wait! I wait until June 28th to hear YES or NO! I'm not sure if I'm ready for either answer but I'm glad I did it! Once I get an answer, I will post the videos from the audition for you all to see. Say a little prayer for me, these next couple of weeks will be intense!