Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March Madness

I know many of you don't do the social media thing so I hope my blog posts will keep you up to date with things going on in the Zumba world and other news.

Save the ta-tas:
On March 17th, a few of your classmates and my Zumba students (along with myself) danced at the Rocket's half time show with 300 Zumba enthusiasts. The game was 98% sold out and the crowd showed us lots of love. I have to admit, all my students did an amazing job, a few appeared on the big screen and some even got a text saying they were seen on tv...woohoo!!! Looks like I have some celebrities in class. Let's give these ladies a round of applause for having the courage to perform infront of so many people and being a part of such an awesome event.
Patiently waiting for practice to begin....
All ready for our half-time performance
All smiles after a great performance...MY STUDENTS ROCK!


Masterclass with Texas Zin Jammers:
   For the first time ever, all of our Texas Zin Jammers (Jammers are instructors who are auditioned by Zumba to teach other instructors choreography) came together to have a HUGE masterclass. The event was a huge turn out, there was not enough space so we had to move the party outside. I don't think they were expecting this big of a crowd but it goes to show how many people LOVE ZUMBA!! Check out the pics of a few of your fellow classmates who attended
Pendragon at their FIRST Zumba event

Izzy gettin' down

Get it ladies

I want to thank all my students for always being so supportive. I can't thank ya'll enough. Thank you for choosing me as your instructor.