Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Check your shampoo bottle label. I don't know why I didn't figure this out sooner. When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body and (duh) printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning: FOR EXTRA VOLUME AND BODY!

 NO wonder I have been gaining weight!

Well I've gotten rid of that shampoo and I'm going to start using Dawn dish soap instead. Their label reads, DISSOLVES FAT THAT IS OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO REMOVE. Problem Solved!!

While we're celebrating the holidays and begin to attend tons of parties, remember Dawn dish soap is only wishful thinking...lol

I wanted to thank you all for attending Curves' Christmas Party. I love to see everyone come together and enjoy eachothers company. Although I arrived late, I noticed the great dishes on the table and all the yummy desserts. I learned we have many talented women at our gym and I hope you all take the time to sell your crafts this week. My boyfriend's father is also crafty and I have set up some of his wood work at the gym. It is all handmade and he does custom orders. I too sell jewelry and will have that displayed on Wed-Fri. Don't forget Dalila will be raffling off items during the week from different vendors.... So please stop by and get some Christmas shopping done :)

I hope you all enjoyed yourselves at the party. Once again, thank you for being such awesome members. If you read my blog and aren't a member, I thank you for reading along :)

Marysol :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Jump back on the bandwagon!

Ladies where have ya'll been since the Thanksgiving break?? (crickets, crickets) I miss seeing my ladies from my 6:15,7:00 and 7:30 class. It seems everyone fell off their routine after Thanksgiving. Did that turkey really get at you?? Come on, it can't be that bad...you can't let the turkey win!

I just wanted to send everyone a little message of encouragement.I know that everyone starts to slack off during the holidays and assume they will get back on track after its all over. But the truth is, its harder to get back on your routine than it is to get off. You can't let the holidays win. You all have come a long way and many of you have lost pounds unheard of. Make time for yourself and don't stop coming to class. Our numbers have dropped a lot lately and I know many of  you have children in school programs, plays, choir...etc, so even if it means going for a walk in your neighborhood...DO IT!!! But please don't stop. You tell yourself you will pick back up in January but it's easier said than done. So come on ladies, come join me again for a class filled of fun and hard work. Not to mention... our songs will be changing for the new year.I know I'm tired of the same songs. I don't even like playing the songs on my ipod if its not for class...lol

Many of you have asked about my trip to China. It was GREAT! I had a blast and not to mention I learned so much about the Chinese culture; beginning with them not having any over weight people there. Believe it or not, I was probably the fattest person..sad but true :( For example, I wanted to bring my sister a pair of jeans but when I asked for a size 10 she said... "I'm sorry but the biggest size we carry is an 8" I guess that explains why there aren't any overweight people in China. They wouldn't find anything to wear..lol Over all the food was great, the country is AWESOME and I can't wait to go back.

I know I've been slacking with my blog but I promise to start updating new recipes, workouts and encouragements. Please be sure to follow along and share your thoughts and ideas. I'm always interested in knowing what you all think. Remember, I'm here because of you!! :)

I wanted to share a few pics with you all, I hope you guys enjoy :)

 These are my long lost cousins, we reunite :) ...jk Everyone says I look Asian so I joke about this picture. I hate to admit it but in an awkward way we could be related..lol
                                 Getting prescription glasses for only $30 bucks!
                Street vendors competing for a sale, I managed to negotiate :)
 I shouldn't promote this (b/c we promote healthy living) but these fried dumplings were crazy good and only $1.50 :)
 I couldn't help but to take a picture of this label. The cost for Huggies is 408RMB which equals to $64.00 US dollars
                       They aren't kidding when they say China is crowded :)

I also slacked on the pictures from the Zumbathon which took place in September. I know I thanked everyone for attending this event but I wanted to say it again...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!... You guys don't know how much it meant to me, the staff and our center. I also have pictures from this event. Here are a few of my favorite ladies getting down :)

 Thank you all once again for making this event possible. I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for you all attending my classes and giving me the encouragement I need to be an instructor. From the bottom of my heart, thanks for being such awesome students...muuuaaah!

Marysol :)